To 5G or Not to 5G – That is the question

Is 5G Worth it Today? – Cost Vs Reward

5G! The next-gen technology that’s touted to revolutionize the responsiveness and speed of our devices. It’s been hyped for a couple of years ever since Verizon ran the first field test for the “crazy-fast” cellular technology.

Suggestions have been made that 5G will be the foundational tech to power everything from remote surgery, augmented reality, to self-driving cars. The close of 2019 saw this technology turn from a future prospect to a reality for more than a select pool of early adopters

Major players such as Samsung have already laid their claim in the market through devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, Samsung Note 10+ 5G and Galaxy S20 lineup. Their bitter rivals from Cupertino also have a lineup of as many as four 5G-enabled models set to be launched in the final quarter of 2020.

However, some rumors by Ming-Chi Kuo (a highly-regarded Apple Analyst) suggest that the successors to the widely popular iPhone 11 lineup may face a “potential delay risk”—pushing the mass production of the 2020 iPhones to October. Delay or not, the point is that 5G is here and it will soon be the norm.

But what exactly does 5G offer? Is it just hype? And more importantly, is it worth its hefty price? Here’s a brief breakdown of the implications of the next generation of wireless tech.


What’s the Fuss with 5G?

In it’s simplest form, 5G (fifth generation) is a cellular technology that is set to achieve speeds that eclipse anything we currently see in a typical cellular connection today.

Carriers such as AT&T and Verizon have recorded speed exceeding 1.7Gbps. This translates to downloading an entire season of your favorite TV show in mere seconds. But 5G doesn’t stop at the blazing speeds!

It also promises to reduce latency—facilitating a lag-free connection that could be a game-changer for self-driving cars, surgeons, virtual reality, and intense gaming. Other benefits of 5G include the ability to connect to more devices.


To Buy or Wait?

5G is great—that’s already set in stone! But is it the right time to invest in a 5G-enabled device? The case against 5G is two-fold. One, its range is limited and the coverage is spotty. Although 5G coverage is expanding to more cities and manufacturers are increasingly rolling out compatible devices, it’s not there yet—and it may take some time to mature, especially amid the pandemic.

Coverage aside, the main deterrent to the immediate adoption of 5G is the price of devices. Manufacturing a 5G phone is expensive and the wireless networks they use are pricey. This cost is then transferred to the consumer. The number of 5G-enabled phones that retail at anything less than $1000 is merely a handful.

This begs the question:  are you willing to pay a “premium price” for technology with limited coverage? Sure, 5G-enabled phones are nice to have—but not necessary (at least not yet). There’s no need to rush for a costly 5G phone just for the hype. Like any other technology, time will drive down the cost—and affordable 5G phones are on the horizon.