Category Archives: Informational

To 5G or Not to 5G – That is the question

Is 5G Worth it Today? – Cost Vs Reward

5G! The next-gen technology that’s touted to revolutionize the responsiveness and speed of our devices. It’s been hyped for a couple of years ever since Verizon ran the first field test for the “crazy-fast” cellular technology.

Suggestions have been made that 5G will be the foundational tech to power everything from remote surgery, augmented reality, to self-driving cars. The close of 2019 saw this technology turn from a future prospect to a reality for more than a select pool of early adopters

Major players such as Samsung have already laid their claim in the market through devices such as the Samsung Galaxy S10 5G, Samsung Note 10+ 5G and Galaxy S20 lineup. Their bitter rivals from Cupertino also have a lineup of as many as four 5G-enabled models set to be launched in the final quarter of 2020.

However, some rumors by Ming-Chi Kuo (a highly-regarded Apple Analyst) suggest that the successors to the widely popular iPhone 11 lineup may face a “potential delay risk”—pushing the mass production of the 2020 iPhones to October. Delay or not, the point is that 5G is here and it will soon be the norm.

But what exactly does 5G offer? Is it just hype? And more importantly, is it worth its hefty price? Here’s a brief breakdown of the implications of the next generation of wireless tech.


What’s the Fuss with 5G?

In it’s simplest form, 5G (fifth generation) is a cellular technology that is set to achieve speeds that eclipse anything we currently see in a typical cellular connection today.

Carriers such as AT&T and Verizon have recorded speed exceeding 1.7Gbps. This translates to downloading an entire season of your favorite TV show in mere seconds. But 5G doesn’t stop at the blazing speeds!

It also promises to reduce latency—facilitating a lag-free connection that could be a game-changer for self-driving cars, surgeons, virtual reality, and intense gaming. Other benefits of 5G include the ability to connect to more devices.


To Buy or Wait?

5G is great—that’s already set in stone! But is it the right time to invest in a 5G-enabled device? The case against 5G is two-fold. One, its range is limited and the coverage is spotty. Although 5G coverage is expanding to more cities and manufacturers are increasingly rolling out compatible devices, it’s not there yet—and it may take some time to mature, especially amid the pandemic.

Coverage aside, the main deterrent to the immediate adoption of 5G is the price of devices. Manufacturing a 5G phone is expensive and the wireless networks they use are pricey. This cost is then transferred to the consumer. The number of 5G-enabled phones that retail at anything less than $1000 is merely a handful.

This begs the question:  are you willing to pay a “premium price” for technology with limited coverage? Sure, 5G-enabled phones are nice to have—but not necessary (at least not yet). There’s no need to rush for a costly 5G phone just for the hype. Like any other technology, time will drive down the cost—and affordable 5G phones are on the horizon.

Light Phone 2 – A Cure for the Modern Day Smartphone

An Overview of Light Phone II – Less is More

Would you buy a mobile phone that can only call, text, and set alarms?

In our current fast-paced and technologically-driven world, we are more attached to our iPhones and Androids than ever before. Some of us are trapped in an anxiety-inducing loop—whereby we can’t go a few minutes without reaching out for our phones. Open Twitter, get lost in the feeds for a few hours, put the phone away! A notification pulses, you’re back at it again…and so on.

While relying on our smartphones might sound harmless at face value, it’s actually a mental problem described as nomophobia—NO MObile PHone phOBIA. With increasing concerns regarding the impact of smartphones on our well-being, two designers came up with the Light Phone. A dinky device that claims to be “a phone for humans.”


Back to Basics - The Light Phone 2 - MADPAC


The Ideology Behind the Light Phone II

Walk into any restaurant and there’s a good chance you’ll find a group of people eating together—but barely interacting as they’re all glued to their screens. To be honest, it’s quite easy to get lost in your smartphone.

Scrolling for 2 pages just doesn’t seem to cut it—and it’s partly the fault of our phones. You see; social media platforms, games, and other time-consuming apps are designed to lure and hook you one way or another. Light Phone II’s creators—Joe Hollier and Kaiwei Tang—realized this “trap” and launched a Kickstarter campaign for a device that freed users from the push notification cycle.

With the success of their original 2017 Light Phone, the company is back with the Light Phone II. This new device builds upon the first iteration—including some additional features. (PS: the first Light Phone could only make and receive calls).


Key Features and Specs

  • Price: $350
  • Battery Life: According to the company, a fully juiced battery can last you 3 days of usage or 7 days on standby.
  • Dimensions: It measures 95.85 x 55.85 x 8.75 mm—with a weight of 78 grams
  • Charging: The device comes with a Micro-USB charging port.
  • Connectivity: It has 4G, WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS connections.
  • It has a SIM slot that works with Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T network carriers in the U.S.—but you can also opt for a $30 Light Phone monthly plan.
  • The Light Phone II comes with a headphone jack.


Review of the Light Phone II

The whole point of the Light Phone II is quite simple. No Twitter notification to ruin your dinner! No emails in the morning to disrupt your workout. By having LESS features on your phone, you get to enjoy MORE of life.

But based on hands-on reviews, the Light Phone II is a divisive device (*rhyme game on point). On the one hand, the phone is aesthetically appealing, its intentions are noble, and the battery life is respectable. On the other hand, PC Mag notes that it has issues with screen ghosting, call quality, and the design isn’t ergonomic.

So, is this device worth the $350 price tag? Well, this depends on the user. As Michael Zelenko from The Verge puts it, “There may not be a mass market for minimalist phones — they’re expensive, they’re superfluous, they’re extra — but there could be niche markets for the Light Phone: well-to-do campers, weekend warriors, the hyper-wired looking for relief.”

Nomophobia – Separation Anxiety… From Your Smartphone

Nomophobia – Could You be a Smartphone Junkie?

Most of us depend on our mobile devices for a ton of business and personal needs—so it’s understandable if you feel concerned over losing them. In fact, research shows that the average user takes a peek at their smartphone roughly 34 times every day—totaling to at least 4 hours.

Think about it…what do you do when you’re uncomfortable at an event? Pretend you’re preoccupied with your smartphone! Bored in your cab? Scroll through random apps! But this is not really an issue if it’s occasional. The concern arises when you have an overwhelming fear of losing your smartphone—aka., no mobile phone phobia (shortened to “nomophobia”).


Nomophobia in a Nutshell

If thoughts of being separated from your devices cause distress, you could be suffering from the condition. The same applies to those of you who feel unusually anxious over losing service or a dead battery. In every sense of the word, nomophobia is an addiction where you lose impulse-control.

As bizarre as it sounds, most of us are unknowing victims. According to a British survey highlighted in The Telegraph, around 1 in every 2 people suffer from nomophobia. In another study on Indian students, 82% of the respondents showed moderate-severe symptoms of nomophobia. With such high prevalence rates, it’s important to understand a thing or two about the addiction—which is the purpose of this post.


What Causes Nomophobia?

In actual sense, the real issue is not with your mobile phone—it has more to do with what is contained in the phone. The reason for your loss of impulse-control is hinged on the apps, games, and other online activities that take up your time. Below are some of the most common culprits to the compulsions:

  • Compulsive internet use: Do you find yourself “itching” to log into a certain app. This may include checking news feed every few minutes/hours, web surfing for hours day-after-day, or often getting lost watching videos, among others.
  • Virtual relationships: Compulsive messaging, texting, dating apps, and social networking can come at the cost of your real-life relationships. This also includes addiction to adult messaging services, nude-swapping, sexting, or pornography.
  • Gaming: Most games are designed to hook and reel you in—turning you into a loyal customer. While the gaming companies are after profits, the games can be the source of your nomophobia.
  • Gambling or serial bidding: Gambling in itself is a mentally and financially dangerous habit. So when gambling platforms are only a tap away, the risk of nomophobia is rather high.

As you can already tell, it’s relatively easy to fall victim to nomophobia. This is why companies such as Light are releasing devices (i.e., Light Phone and Light Phone II) that dial down all “non-essential” mobile applications. Their aim is to restrict the accessibility to the apps and games that facilitate nomophobia. In a way, it’s just like replacing tobacco cigarettes with a QuitGo inhaler (a soft-tip inhaler that mimics a cigarette, but without the nicotine). It gradually weans you off the addiction.

As for the biological mechanism behind nomophobia, research is still in its infant stages—but a recent study showed that social media addiction alters the grey matter. The same structural changes highlighted in the study have also been reported in people struggling with drug addiction. (PS: The brain’s grey matter is associated with self-control, memory, hearing, sight, speech, and emotion. I hope you see how all this works into your dependence and fear of losing your mobile phones.)

There are also suggestions that nomophobia could be co-occurring—i.e., associated with underlying mental problems such as loneliness, depression, anxiety, and stress.


Sign That you May be Addicted to Your Smartphone

  • Anxiety, stress, or irritation when you can’t access your mobile device
  • Relying on your phone as if your life depended on it.
  • Panic, or tightness in your chest when you can’t find your smartphone. This can manifest into disorientation or dizziness.
  • Agitation when you know you won’t be able to use your mobile phone for a while.
  • A feeling of helplessness or dread when you don’t have your smartphone.
  • Constantly checking your device every few minutes to confirm it’s still working.
  • An urge to always have your device in your sight.
  • Frequently delaying or postponing tasks due to your smartphone usage.


Why Should You be Concerned About Being a Mobile Phone Junkie?

Well, there are several reasons why you should care about your smartphone usage habits. Nomophobia has far-reaching ramifications as shown below:

  • Increased Risk of Accidents: According to several studies, more and more people are texting while driving—endangering the lives of other road users. But it’s not just the drivers, pedestrians are also culprits.
  • Productivity: It goes without saying that phone addiction makes us less productive and inefficient at work or home. While this might sound harmless at first sight, it can spiral out of control.
  • Mental Health Problems: Perhaps the most alarming consequence of nomophobia is the increased risk of serious mental issues—comparable to drug addiction. Time magazine even reports that addiction to smartphones can take a toll on your relationships.
  • Physical Problems: Prolonged exposure to the blue light emitted by smartphones can disrupt your sleep patterns. Nomophobia can also lead to a short-term stabbing, cramping pain on your neck (aka., text neck)—or poor posture that may be detrimental to your spine.


What Next? How Can We Tackle Nomophobia?

Smartphones are an integral part of the modern-day consumer. For this reason, tossing the smartphone in the bin is not an effective solution. You still need the devices to communicate or run your business. Perhaps the best way forward is understanding when your smartphone usage is a source of concern—and finding a way around the issue.

The good news is that an increasing number of smartphone companies and governments are responding to the issue of phone addiction. For example, France recently passed a law that banned the use of smartphones in schools and another that allowed employees to legally turn a blind eye on any office notifications outside working hours.

You might also have noticed that most phones come with features to monitor and manage usage—e.g., the Digital Wellbeing app from Google. For a more unorthodox solution, a start-up known as Light is offering a dinky smartphone–stripped of everything, except essential tools like calling, alarms, and messaging.  We’ll discuss the Light Phone(s) next week.  For now keep a watch over your smartphone habits and try to be conscious about how often you pick it up and how long you’re engaged with it.

Apple vs Samsung

Apple Vs. Samsung – The Ultimate Feud for Global Dominance

Every year—like clockwork—an age-old debate boils over in the smartphone market. It’s a seemingly never-ending battle between two of the world’s largest tech companies; Apple and Samsung.

Whenever the latest Apple or Samsung flagship phone is released, the announcements are typically followed by passionate arguments from either camp. It’s very much like how a geyser erupts after tossing Mentos in a bottle of Coke. Social networks and media outlets are set ablaze with side-by-side comparisons pitting the brands against each other—and rightfully so.

In the mobile phone industry, Samsung’s Galaxy series and Apple’s iPhone stand tall at the pinnacle of the heap—dwarfing competitors. They both offer cutting edge devices that leverage brand loyalty, user experience, and good designs to stay at the top. Although other phone makers such as Huawei and Xiaomi are gaining ground in the industry, the Samsung-Apple duo unequivocally lay claim to the most anticipated high-end smartphones.

But which brand reigns supreme? Would you rather buy the latest Samsung, or Apple smartphone? Read on as we dig into one of the longest-running battles in the tech world—including comparisons of the market share, business models, software/hardware features.


Apple Vs. Samsung: Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Patent Feud – Deadline


Where it All Began – A History so Dramatic it Sounds Scripted

Samsung and Apple have a turbulent relationship—and it seems to get more agitated with every passing year. But why would the companies single out each other in an industry full of other players? Aside from being the top dogs snarling for the alpha spot, the ‘grudge’ between Samsung and Apple is a personal one. To understand how deep it cuts, let’s rewind to moment the two companies first interreacted. (PS: The narrative below is adapted from Geoffrey Cain’s Samsung Rising as previewed by Forbes)


Part 1: A Blossoming Relationship Begins

It was back in 2005 when 3 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. executives set their destination for Steve Jobs’ home in Palo Alto. In their possession was “trump card” that would kickstart their journey to conquering the emerging smartphone market.

Their pitch was a tiny NAND flash memory that sat in one of the executive pockets. To Steve Jobs, this was a game-changing solution for the iPod—compared to the less efficient traditional hard disk. As per the script, Jobs made Samsung the sole supplier of the flash memory. What he didn’t know was that Samsung had more ambitious goals beyond just supplying parts to Apple. As Geoffrey Cain puts it, the 2005 deal in Palo Alto gave Samsung “a launchpad from which to eventually get into smartphones, when they came out.”


Part 2: True Intentions are Revealed

Barely 5 years since Steve Jobs met the Samsung executives for the first time, the South Korean multinational released its first smartphone. In the snap of a finger, the supplier was now the challenger. “Samsung was the Apple iPhone chip supplier that dared to compete directly against Apple.”

To Jobs, this felt like one of Shakespeare’s tragic narratives of betrayal and backstabbing. In his owns words, he wanted to “launch thermonuclear war” on Samsung and the Android operating system that powered their devices. But the main issue was not that Samsung had manufactured a smartphone—it had more to do with the design. Samsung had allegedly copied Apple’s design for the iPhone—only with a different operating system.


Part 3: Friends Turn into Sworn Enemies

Whereas Steve Jobs was raring to take the fight to court, Tim Cook (Apple’s supply chain expert at the time) was cautious of the consequences. In particular, Samsung was a crucial supplier to the Cupertino-based company – it seemed the seeds planted by Samsung in 2005 were bearing fruits.

In an attempt to salvage the situation amicably, Cook and Jobs met Jay Lee (currently Samsung’s vice chairman) to present their grievances and propose to license some of the allegedly infringed patents. Samsung’s lawyers were not for the idea—and they instead argued that Apple was the one responsible for copying their patents.

In 2011, Apple filed a barrage of lawsuits in several countries against Samsung—with the former countersuing. The outcome? The once good friends were now sworn enemies. The war had been ignited. (PS: The 2011 lawsuits were only  settled in 2018 after Apple was awarded $539 million as compensation).


Part 4: The War Rages on A Decade Later

The year is 2020, the world is in turmoil after a virus from Wuhan swept across every continent—crippling economies. But even in such a tragic time, Samsung and Apple still make the headlines. The flame ignited in 2011 is still burning.

Type “Samsung Vs…” on any search engine and the first thing that pops up is either “Samsung Vs Apple” or “Samsung Vs iPhone.” The chatter and arguments on social media grow to a fever pitch every time one of the companies announces their next flagship model. We’ve already seen Samsung’s S20 series and people are eagerly awaiting the release of the iPhone 12—to once again bring up the topic of who’s the alpha dog.

So, who leads the pack today?


Market Share – Who Bites the Largest Chunk of the Pie?

According to market data by Statista, Samsung has sat at the “Iron Throne” as the leading smartphone vendor (in shipments) since 2012. This was after the South Korean company dethroned Apple—with the latter taking over after the dramatic fall of Blackberry.

However, the global market share of these companies is highly segmented. For example, Apple had a commanding 58.46% share of the U.S. market as of May 2020, while Samsung settled for 25.11%. In Samsung’s home country (South Korea), the company dominated the smartphone market with a 65.98% claim—compared to Apple’s 23.15% market share.

It’s worth noting that data by Strategy Analytics and Counterpoint Research suggested that Apple briefly nabbed a higher market share (19%) than Samsung (18%) during the 4th quarter of 2019. The Cupertino-based multinational raked in an impressive $22.2 billion in profits during the same period—making it the company’s most profitable quarter ever.

This massive leap in the market was largely attributed to widespread popularity and the huge sale of the iPhone 11. On the other side of the world in Seoul, Samsung’s profits dropped by 38% during the final quarter of 2019. While this may seem to imply that Apple is clawing its way back to the top (in terms of shipments), it doesn’t tell the whole story.

There are other factors to consider. For example, iPhones are generally released during the final quarter of the year—right around the holiday season—while Samsung’s S-series flagships are often launched around May/June. With this in mind, it’s expected that Apple would be more popular during the turn of the year. Plus, Samsung shipped nearly 295 million devices along the year—compared to Apple’s 193 million.

If the rivalry between Apple and Samsung could be settled by who owns the largest piece of the pie—taking the overall statistics by face value—Samsung would easily come on top. But there’s more to the narrative than the number of products shipped.


Business Model – Different Paths, One Goal

What goes on behind the closed doors of Apple’s or Samsung’s war rooms? What underlying goal drives the respective company’s strategies? And how do the executives, marketers, and other strategists go about enforcing their plans for global domination? From a business model perspective, Samsung and Apple are like opposite sides of a coin—they’re different but ultimately converge at one common outcome.

On the one hand, Apple’s position in the market is largely attributed to a focused and meteoric rise. Although Samsung “moves” more devices, Apple makes significantly more profit per sale. The company thrives on integration, product design, and target marketing—pushing R&D down the list of priorities. Tim Cook and his team tend to monitor market developments, then they swoop in with a radical improvement to wow consumers when the market is ripe for the taking. This has been the underlying strategy since the era of the first iPods—and it’s still seen today. Think about; the multiple rear cameras, the notch, fingerprint sensors—all these iPhone features debuted after other players had done the risky or dirty work.

On the other hand, Samsung has a knack for diversifying its portfolio. Whether it’s medical electronics, smartphones, tablets, cellphone carriers, appliances, TVs, cameras, gaming systems, LED lights, sensors, semi-conductors, or flat panels—Samsung is game! The company’s main competitive strategy revolves around vertical integration.


Software/Hardware Comparison – Latest iPhone Vs. Samsung Flagships

Let’s take the feud down to the streets—away from the courts or board rooms. Which company currently boasts of the best flagship smartphone? For this mega face-off, we decided to compare Apple’s latest smartphone (the iPhone 11), to the Samsung Galaxy S10—i.e., they’re both from 2019. Although the South Korean company has already released the Samsung Galaxy S20 series, Apple is still a few months away from its 2020 release (the iPhone 12).

PS: Keep in mind that we used the base models for the comparisonwith the iPhone 11 debuting 6 months after the Samsung Galaxy S10.

  Samsung Galaxy S10 iPhone 11
Display 6.1” at 1440×3040 pixels 5.8” at 1125×2436 pixels
Size 5.90 x 2.77 x 0.31 inches (149.9 x 70.4 x 7.8 mm) 5.67 x 2.81 x 0.32 inches (144 x 71.4 x 8.1 mm)
Weight 5.54 ounces (157 grams) 6.63 ounces (188 grams)
CPU Snapdragon 855 or Exynos 9820 A13 Bionic Processor
Rear Cameras 16-MP ultrawide (f/2.2), 12-MP telephoto (f/2.4), and 12-MP dual-pixel wide (f/1.5, f/2.4) 12-MP wide (f/1.8), 12-MP telephoto (f/2.0), and 12-MP ultra-wide (f/2.4)
Front Camera 10-MP dual-pixel 12-MP
Storage 128GB or 256GB 64GB, 256GB, or 512GB
Unlocking Feature Ultrasonic fingerprint sensor (under display) Face ID
Operating system Android 10 iOS 13.3.1
Battery Capacity 3,400mAh 3,110mAh
Charging USB-C Lightning
Starting Price $899 $999


On paper, each phone gets a punch or two over the other—but the world we live in is not built on paper. There are tons of factors to consider before taking up arms against either one of the two. What really matters is the overall experience—which is a combination of each phone’s ecosystem, OS, specs, and personal preferences.

Plus, most of us have already claimed our unwavering allegiance to one camp—and telling you otherwise is merely a remedy for another age-old debate. All in all, if you have the financial flex, you can’t go wrong with either of these devices—or their newer models.


Whoever Reigns Supreme, Keep Your Device in Pristine Condition

So, who do you think sits on the “Iron Throne” of the smartphone industry? Samsung or Apple? Whichever company tickles your fancy, one thing’s clear: they both manufacture the most-coveted high-end devices in the market.

As is expected of any valuable device, you need to safeguard your investment—and no, we’re not talking about any drastic measure. Installing a high-quality screen protector could go a long way in giving your iPhone or Samsung smartphone the royal treatment it deserves. Don’t let fanboys in the opposing camp find a reason to criticize your Samsung or Apple device for its scratches or cracks—get a Tech Armor screen protector today!