6 Unofficial Facts About The Samsung Galaxy S7

The official unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S7 is going to be on February 21st, but in the lead-up to the main event itself a lot of information about it has been “leaked” as a way to drive up buzz.  The following tidbits are currently floating around the technology pressrooms (and keep in mind that all these facts map prove untrue):

  1. 1. The Micro USB Remains

While the new Type C USB cables were all the buzz at CES in January, it seems that Samsung has decided not to incorporate this new universal standard as a recently leaked image shows the phone with the same standard connection as the GS6 model.

  1. 2. Water Proof?

With the debate still ongoing as to whether the S7 Edge+ will remain available or if the S7 Edge will stand alone, one interesting feature seems to be included on the new models: water resistance! It appear someone “accidentally” leaked this video, on an unlisted Samsung Indonesia channel showing “The Next Galaxy” with no actual mention of the phone model. The sustained shots of the phone in the rain could confirm the rumor that this new model is water proof (or at least resistant).

  1. 3. The Price Is Lower

According to a European rumor mill, the Galaxy S7 is going to retail at 699 euros, and the S7 Edge will add 100 to that for a total of 799.  This is roughly 50 euros less than how much the Galaxy S6 cost when it was first introduced, and it undercuts the iPhone S6 by about the same as well.  Thus, unless Apple plans on cutting its own prices for the iPhone S7 by the same mount, the Galaxy is going to be seriously cheaper.  The exact numbers in American dollars aren’t out just yet, perhaps in part due to the way every carrier has a slightly different price, but it’s expected to follow Europe’s example.

  1. 4. The Battery Is Bigger

This one we’ve got a pretty good grasp on since it’s a government agency disclosing some official information.  While previous models of the Samsung Galaxy were content with 2600 mAh, the new S7 is going to jump up to 3600 mAh.  This means the S7 can provide 6 more hours of calls, 5 more hours of video playback, or 19 more hours of audio playback than the S6,

  1. 5. The Glass Animal Is Different

Instead of sticking with the industry standard Gorilla Glass, the Galaxy S7 may be using a new variety called Turtle Glass, a name which Samsung registered with the US Patent and Trademark Office back in September of 2015.  According to some rumors, Turtle Glass may even be a real contender for the toughest mobile device glass available and not just a way for Samsung to insource its glass production.

  1. 6. The Camera Size Is Changing

Physically, the Galaxy S7’s camera is going to be smaller and flush with the back of the phone instead of sticking out the way it does with the S6.  However, this smaller size may have led to a smaller resolution – unless it hasn’t.  The current Galaxy S6 uses a 16 megapixel resolution, and while some rumors expect this to grow to 20 megapixels, others claim it will drop to 12 instead.  Either way, it’s expected that the color depth and light balance technology will be taking a step forward.

Something else you can expect to be coming out soon is Tech Armor’s Galaxy S7 screen protectors and accessories.  While Turtle Glass may turn out to be tougher than the original Gorilla, the fact is that glass is still glass and a bad drop onto concrete or a sandy beach will likely mean an expensive repair or replacement, and even if it’s covered under your warranty it’ll mean having to wait days as the phone goes through a round trip for its repairs.  But if a screen protector takes the damage instead, you’re only out a few dollars while your phone is still good to go.

Statement:  Samsung is leaking like a faucet as the Galaxy S7 prepares for primetime.

Polycarbonate Technology Used in NFL Football Helmets

Imaging strapping a football helmet on your iPhone! Our cases use the same technology as NFL-caliber helmets to keep your device safe from anything life throws at it!

This weekend as we sit down to watch two stellar defenses clash heads for the 50th Super Bowl title, we are reminded of how far the sport has come in the last 50 years. In terms of innovation and impact on the sport, we can debate endlessly on everything from the the west coast offense to the wildcat formation. In our opinion, however, the introduction of polycarbonate helmets was a MAJOR step forward in protecting what matters most: the health and safety of the players (from pop warner all the way up to the elite NFL).

At Tech Armor, the health and safety of YOUR device is our prime concern, which is why we use the same polycarbonate materials in our Active Case Series and our new HYBRID Edge to Edge screen protectors!

We chose this material for the same reason the NFL (and nearly all other football associations at any age level) use it to protect their players: polycarbonate is tough (yet lightweight) and highly moldable without losing integrity. Thanks to its unique ability to absorb and distribute impact (while retaining a rigid, lightweight profile) polycarbonate offers PREMIERE protection for both NFL players and YOUR phone!!

Active Series Cases

It’s like strapping an NFL helmet on your phone! (without the face mask of course) Using a superior polycarbonate alloy to conform to the shape of your iPhone 6/6s or 6/6s Plus, the Active Series case was built for action! Our cases are also Military Drop Tested to withstand anything life throws their way, while retaining a slim profile to keep your phone from splitting your purse/pockets!

Get Yours TODAY!

HYBRID Edge-to-Edge

Covering your phone’s complete front face (from edge to edge) is certainly NOT a new concept, however we’ve taken it to the next level! Think of the last time you dropped your phone… did it land perfectly flat? The vast majority of the impact is going to affect the edge of your phone screen, so we decided to reinforce that area with a polycarbonate resin. The benefits are twofold:
STRENGTH: A shock-absorbing (NFL-caliber) ring of protection around the front face of your device
VERSATILITY: The liquid nature of polycarbonate allows us to develop an edge that wraps around the curves of your device (instead of sitting on top of it) to allow a seamless fit.

Get Yours TODAY!

All About PC/TPU

All About PC/TPU

As you browse around Tech Armor’s website you might notice the term “PC/TPU” in some of our detailed product descriptions. But what, exactly, does PC/TPU mean? Let’s begin with the PC part.


Polycarbonate describes a group of thermoplastic polymers that contain carbonates. Since this isn’t Chemistry class, we won’t go into too much detail about what this means chemically speaking. Basically, polycarbonates are strong, durable materials that are easy to work with. They can be easily molded, or thermoformed. Polycarbonate is moldable during the manufacture process but the end result of the thermoforming procedure is a durable, long-lasting product. A phone case, for example, that is made of polycarbonate is going to provide very lightweight but extremely durable protection for your phone.

Some benefits of polycarbonate include:

  • It is highly durable, impact-resistant, and won’t crack or fracture
  • It is heat resistant and therefore easy to mold, making it ideal for a variety of applications
  • It is easily recyclable which means it’s also good for the environment

Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is used in a variety of manufacturing applications due to its elasticity and transparency as well as its natural resistance to abrasions and ability to repel grease and oil. Thermoplastic polyurethanes are exceptionally versatile. They are used in the construction and medical industries, and in all manner of gadgetry and tech products. A phone case made from TPU will withstand the little scrapes and scratches that can result from everyday use due to TPU’s innate abrasion resistance. That same TPU phone case will also be smudge proof, or fingerprint resistant, due to the material’s natural resistance to grease and oil.

Some benefits of Thermoplastic Polyurethane include:

  • It is highly abrasion resistant, which protects it from scratches and scrapes
  • Its exceptional elasticity allows it to be easily molded for a variety of applications
  • It is transparent, making it an ideal material for clear phone cases and other see through products
  • It is oil and grease resistant, which keeps grubby prints from sticking to products made from TPU     

Tech Armor uses PC/TPU in a variety of products to bring you some of the most durable, lightweight, long-lasting, scratch and smudge resistant products on the market. Our PC/TPU phone cases are affordable, durable, and feather light.

Apple iPhone 6s Rumors

The rumors have been flying around for weeks now, but one thing we know for certain: Apple will announce a new iPhone (rumored to be the 6s) next week on September 9th.

Here’s everything we’ve heard so far:

Tech Radar reports that recent leaks from two major German carriers state the 6s will go on sale on September 18, however an earlier leaked Vodafone email claimed that it will be later in the month on September 25. Either way, it seems likely that the newest Apple flagship phone will likely be available before October.


Far from the leap between iPhone 5 and 6, the iPhone 6s is rumored to be almost identical in size with a reported 0.2mm increase in thickness to accommodate a more robust battery, Force Touch technology and upgrades for Touch ID. Even with the increase, we’re happy to report that existing Active Series and FlexProtect case lines from Tech Armor will still provide complete protection for the new model as well.

Force Touch
While 9to5Mac speculates Force Touch will be called something else when it’s announced on the iPhone, many sites agree that it will be a part of the new device. Already in use on the track pad on the latest MacBook Pro models along with the Apple Watch, Force Touch technology expands on screen response to determine the difference between a tap and a press. This will open up a host of new UX applications on the latest device as well as further drive home the need for a quality screen protector to withstand the increased pressure. Tech Armor Ballistic Glass and HD Clear screen protectors (available in conjunction with the new model release) offer superior protection while retaining maximum clarity and force touch sensitivity.

In the wake of the “selfie” trend, Apple looks to be bolstering its front-facing camera from the existing 1.2 MP up to 5 MP according to Digital Trends who also predict an upgraded rear camera with the potential for 4K video.

All sources seem to indicate a similar price structure to last year’s launch of the iPhone 6 as Apple will likely keep the 16GB model in this next upgrade.

Why pay full price for the new Apple model?? There are several channels available today for you to resell your existing phone and drastically offset the cost of the new one. Here are a couple recent sources of information:


Important Note Regarding Resale:
The single largest factor that will limit your buyback is the condition of the screen and (secondarily) the body of the phone. Arming your device with a Tech Armor screen protector and case is the easiest way to make sure you’re getting the most value for your phone when the time comes to switch.

At Tech Armor we’re ready to rock as soon as Apple makes the big announcement, so stay tuned for a big announcement of our own when the new device hits shelves including how you can register to win a new iPhone 6s or 6s Plus!

Larger Screens Increase Your Chances For Repairs

There’s been a curious arc over the lifespan of the mobile phones. They started out huge and bulky, and gradually shrank over the years until the mid to late 2000s, when smartphones first started appearing on the market. Since then, phones have actually started getting bigger again – some are nearly as large as a tablet.

This has some benefits, obviously. Larger screens mean larger viewing areas for games and videos, and easier typing when entering text. But it also comes with a drawback – a higher chance of needing repairs. Those larger screens mean that more of the screen space is exposed to the elements, which could lead to things like:

  • Scratches
  • Scuffs
  • Shattered glass
  • Permanent stains and smudges
  • And more

To make things worse, the larger size of the devices mean that they’re harder to hold onto, that they’re more chance of damage if they’re dropped, and that they run the risk of being twisted or bent if accidentally forgotten about and left in a pocket. Simply put, you need to pay attention to how you’re taking care of your larger devices.

Whether it’s a mobile phone or a tablet, it’s important that you invest in a good screen protector. And the larger the device’s size, the stronger and more reliable the protector will need to be. Ballistic glass helps defend against everything that can be thrown at a screen and more, and is a solid investment if you have a larger device.

Large devices offer plenty of benefits, but come with added risks. With repairs reaching hundreds of dollars – sometimes even if you have a warranty – it’s important to protect your device so you can enjoy it for years and so when you’re ready for an upgrade you can get the maximum price for it on the resale or trade in market.

Check out our screen protectors for larger screens. They’ll give you the protection and peace of mind that you need.

Why Do You Need To Arm Your Technology?

If you’re like most of the country, your technology is incredibly important to you. And it should be – today’s mobile devices allow us to work, play, and interact with each other in ways never thought possible just a few decades ago. If you use any kind of smart device, you’re already aware of just how important it is to keep it safe. Taking the initiative to arm your technology is a smart move, and one you won’t’ regret.

Just what do we mean by ‘arming’ your technology? Essentially, we’re talking about taking steps to protect it fully – place some armor on it that will help it stand up to whatever your day can throw at it. By combining things like ballistic glass and protective cases for active people, you’ll be giving your phone or tablet protection whether you’re rock climbing, running a marathon, or just accidentally let your 4 year old get ahold of your phone.

But just why is it so important to take steps to arm your technology? There are a few obvious reasons for it.

  • Your investment is often something you rely on daily, and when it becomes damaged it’s easy to end up struggling to get through your day – this is especially true if you use your phone or tablet for work. By protecting it, you’ll ensure that you don’t end up without the ability to work properly.
  • Did you know that a screen replacement alone can cost as much as $300, even with a warranty in place? By arming your tech, you’ll be preventing future high costs from coming at you. The minor investment of protection can save you time, energy and money down the road.
  • You’ll also protect your investment so you can get a solid return on it later. Phone and tablet resales are a big part of how many offset the costs of their next device purchase. The more damaged your device, the harder it is to get a good price during the resale. By arming your technology you’ll be ensuring that you get top dollar when the time comes to sell.

It doesn’t take much to protect your phone or tablet, and with a couple of small purchases you’ll give yourself peace of mind and give your phone protection. Check out our selection of items today to find out which ones are best for your devices.

What Is Ballistic Glass?

When people hear the term ‘Ballistic Glass‘, it usually conjures up images of bulletproof glass at a bank window or the glass fitted onto cars of VIPs. And essentially, that’s exactly what it is. But we think it’s important to understand that ballistic glass is available for a lot of other uses as well – including protecting your mobile devices.

Ballistic glass is a stronger version of glass that is designed to provide maximum protection to whatever it covers while still keeping an unobstructed, unaltered field of view. As a result, it can cost a bit more than traditional glass but the tradeoff of extra strength is well worth it for the improved durability and protection received.

Ballistic glass has begun to get serious attention in the mobile phone and tablet device marketplaces, due in large part to the fact that the options available from Tech Armor are receiving such strong reviews from users. Here are some of the primary features you’ll get in a good ballistic glass screen cover.

  • Crystal clear clarity. It will look like there’s nothing on your phone or tablet at all
  • Smudge and fingerprint resistance to maintain a good field of view
  • Rounded edges that won’t scratch the corners of your screen
  • .33mm thickness that is fully scratch resistant
  • Smooth, easy operation. The glass won’t impede your usage of the device
  • Easier to apply to the device than cheaper, thinner options

Ballistic glass stands out from those thin, flimsy screen protectors in numerous ways. The biggest is that it offers far more protection. It’s easy for a screen to get damaged through the thin protectors if keys in your pocket scratch up against them or if you accidentally drop the phone. While ballistic glass won’t keep the entire phone safe, it will keep the screen in pristine condition.

Of course, the price will be slightly higher when you buy this higher quality glass screen. There are key reasons that it’s worth the investment aside from the obvious fact that you’ll get better protection. In particular:

  • When you buy a smart phone, you’re investing in what is essentially a computer. Even if you have good warranties in place, a replacement screen can cost hundreds of dollars. Ballistic glass makes it almost impossible for your screen to become cracked and damaged, keeping that investment safe.
  • Reselling your phone or tablet when you upgrade is something well worth doing, and something that can help offset the cost of your new device. But if your screen is damaged, you’ll essentially lose the ability to sell your new device and will be left with a phone or tablet that’s no good to anyone. With screen protection, you preserve your resale value.

There are plenty of different options out there and plenty of reasons to invest in good Ballistic Glass screen protectors. We offer a full lifetime warranty on our protectors, and guarantee that you’ll be satisfied with your purchase. To learn more, check out our full selection of ballistic glass products for yourself. You’ll be glad you did since it’s an investment well worth making.

Maximizing Resale Value Of Your Device

Today’s mobile devices are important to anyone who has one. After all, your tablet or smartphone serves as a portable computer and can quickly and easily let you get connected to the internet, talk to others, play games, work, and more. From work to play to communication to selfies, mobile devices are an integral part of our lives.

However, they’re also expensive. And as time marches forwards, it’s easy for your device to quickly become obsolete and outdated. As a result, most people will only have their device for a year or two before choosing to upgrade to a new item.

Doing so is often made a bit more affordable by trading in your existing item or by reselling it on the open market. Many service providers, for example, offer nearly the full value for your device if it’s in good condition. You can also trade in items at electronics store, sell them online, and more. This resell can often help you reduce the cost of your new device.

But there’s a catch. To get the most for your device when you resell it, you will have to keep it in the best shape possible or you won’t get the full value possible. Just a few scratches on the screen is enough to drag down your resale price. As a result, it’s important that you spend a bit on protection for your mobile devices.

There are two primary things worth investing in:

  • Screen protection – Don’t settle for the flimsy, thin screen protectors. Instead, invest in high quality ballistic glass that will actually keep your screen safe from impacts, scratches, smudges, and more. It’s an easy way to keep your screen pristine.
  • Cases – A case handles everything your screen protector won’t. While the screen protector is keeping the face of your device safe, the case keeps the brains and body protected.

Buying both of these is important. Only buying one doesn’t completely do the job, and will leave part of your phone vulnerable. If you’re planning on reselling your device in the future, you’ll need the right protection. Check out our selection of products and you’ll find easy, affordable ways to maximize your device’s resale value.

Did You Know 85% Of People Carry No Backup For Their Batteries?

These days it’s easy to take our tech devices for granted. We rely on them so frequently that they’ve become a part of our lives that we can’t imagine living without. But that level of constant use and the fact that we take them for granted means that it’s easy to overlook important things that we should be using along with them.

A perfect example of this is battery backup. Were you aware that about 85% of the people who use mobile devices today don’t carry any kind of backup for their batteries? That’s a huge number of the population, and it also means that only 15% of us are ready when we suddenly run out of battery power.

You’ve probably already experienced this problem for yourself, and being left with just a few bars on your battery power indicator can lead to serious stress. Potential issues associated with losing power include:

  • • No phone at all for those who use their mobile phone exclusively with no land line
  • • No way to contact work or complete your work if your mobile device plays a role in your job
  • • No way to contact help if an emergency arises
  • • Potential loss of data due to a sudden shut down
  • • Commuters can lose GPS functionality and other tools that help get them through their day
  • • And more


All in all, losing power is a major problem. It’s also something that can happen easily. Today’s apps are designed to prolong life as much as possible, but they can still lead to serious power drains in some cases. You might lose power before you know it, leaving you with little options.

A charger for a car is a good idea for most, but going even further with a portable powerbank is an even better idea. Our powerbanks allow you to get a full charge quickly and start using your device again no matter where you are. Even if you have no access to a car’s power outlet or a wall charger, you’ll be able to charge up fast. Check out our full range of powerbanks to see this affordable solution to a growing problem for yourself.

5 Favorite Features Of The Apple Watch

The wait is over, and techies are finally able to start buying the Apple Watch – sometimes called the iWatch – and put it to use for themselves. The watch is everything we expected from Apple – sleek, comfortable, stylish, and filled with features.

Those features can of course become a bit overwhelming when you first unbox the watch. After all, with so much room for personalization and performance it’s easy to be at a loss for just where to start. Luckily, we’ve checked out the Apple Watch for ourselves and so have plenty of others. Here’s a quick look at five of the favorite features users are discovering with the watch. Many of these are, naturally, nothing more than apps – but they’re the features that help this watch stand out as a must have for many.

1. Fitness Tracking – Fitness bracelets have become popular over the last few years, and help those who are trying to get healthy figure out just how well they’re doing. But the Apple Watch replaces and enhances those fitness trackers completely. It includes a heart rate sensor and numerous apps that help keep track of what you’ve done. You’ll even get badges as a reward for reaching goals – something that helps add incentive to those who need it most.

2. Remote Control Functionality – The days of losing the remote and struggling to find it are gone. With the Apple Watch you can replace all of your devices. Everything from your garage door to your Apple TV to your iTunes folder playing on your home radio can help you gain better control over everything in your life. It’s a feature we love, and one that you’ll likely feel the same way about.

3. Siri – We can’t leave Siri off the list. Siri makes everything in your life simpler to control. From asking her a question to having her remember different events that are coming up in your life, this is the personal assistant that everyone can have and keep with them wherever they go. She’s easy to use, acts just like she does on the phone, and provide plenty of convenience to you throughout your day.

4.The Digital Crown – The Digital Crown is nothing more than a knob on the side of the watch, and it may not seem like much of a feature. But the reality is that it is the key thing that helps set the Apple Watch apart in our opinion – it makes it much easier to use the watch. Most smartwatches are fairly hard to control due to their smaller display areas, and those with thicker fingers can really struggle. Luckily, the Digital Crown makes it simple to control the phone as it acts like a home button and lets you zoom in and scroll through options on the screen.

5. Apps – While some of the items in the list above are essentially apps, the fact is that Apple is known for its appstore and the robust selection of apps offered in it. The Apple iWatch is no different, and unlike many of the other smartwatches on the market today the Apple Watch will support full, real apps just like those you would expect on a phone.

These are just five of the standout features that have helped us appreciate the Apple Watch as yet another home run for the tech giant. Of course, you’ll want to make certain that you take care of your watch and protect it completely. To help with that, check out our selection of screen protectors designed specifically for the Apple Watch. They’ll keep your investment safe and working the way it should for years to come.