Travel Mode: Holiday Season Must-Do List!
Packed and ready to go?
Holiday travel and rush is among us, folks! Before the craziness reaches to the highest level, here’s a checklist to help you out:
Download travel apps
Our phones or tablets are a great companion when it comes to traveling thanks to apps that can help you search for updates on your flight like Dash Mobile. For road trips, you can get immediate road assistance with NAC Road Service.
Know shortcuts and use them when possible
Take advantage of online check-in and early screening programs like TSA PreCheck or CLEAR to avoid long lines. Not sure which one to sign up for? Forbes breaks down the pros/cons in their article HERE. It’s also smart to keep an online copy of your boarding passes (on 2 devices if you want to be extra sure) and other files needed.
Minimalist packing is a go!
If you can bring just a carry-on, the better! The Travel Channel suggests avoiding checked bags if possible to reduce travel time. You’ll have no hassle with the conveyor belt or at worst: losing any of your bags. If you do have a checked bags, place all important and immediate documents / items with you in your carry-on at all times.
Mail holiday gifts instead of packing it with you.
Less to bring, less hassle when it comes to your bags on your trip. Security might also ask you to open them if you’ve wrapped it for security reasons. Did you know you can send gifts directly from Amazon to the doorstep of your friends? For example, you can easily send from our Storefront Page 😉
Look at the bright side!
Flight delayed? Long hour or two in the airport? Stuck in traffic? Take it in as newfound time to have fun! Spend time with the fam, enjoy the moment, play games, take photos and capture memories! (Just make sure your devices have enough power for it all!). Every moment is worthwhile 🙂
Have a plan B-Z on your trips
It’s best to be a boy or girl scout most especially on these days. You never know when mishaps might happen like a delayed flight, highly congested traffic (for whatever reason) or your phone suddenly dying while navigating on the road (that last one we can help with!).
Plan a long lead time on your travel days
Less rush, less stress: that’s the dream when traveling! Take time going through security, checking the bags you brought and even go to a lounge. Relax and enjoy the trip, enjoy the ride… and probably more time to focus on calming and having fun with the kids! Also, know the best and worst days to travel during this season to hopefully avoid them 🙂
Download entertainment on your devices
Make sure there’s additional charge in your battery for movies or shows to watch on the plane (if the shows available in-flight are not your cup of tea). For those Also if you prefer a certain list of songs for road trips, download them all to your phone for a fun adventure! Don’t worry about anyone peeking with our privacy screen protectors!
Hopefully our checklist will be able to help you out on your trips! Most tech-related needs for your devices are covered by Tech Armor! From screen protectors, power banks, USB car chargers, MFi-Certified lightning cables… we got them all!
Check out our website and Tech Armor Amazon Storefront
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